Check out photo 3; it's what inspired this post. Aaron and I found quite a bit of amusement in the onslaught of Palin look-alikes, from Tina Fey down to these two girls, who may well have been two of the girls that we saw at the Palin campaign speech in Jeffersonville. Aaron is probably upset that I am publicly admitting that we attended such an event, but, in truth, we actually entirely missed all of the republican festivities and just went to meet up with Shea, who we actually also missed due to some directions that we must've gotten from Obama. Oh well. I'll admit, I, too, got a little caught in the mix. In an attempt to compete with Shealah's artistic abilities, I did the following and sent it to the campaign aficionado herself:
I realize this might cause a shiver down the spine of some of our readers, but it was for Halloween, so I figured that it was spirited regardless of political affiliation; Halloween is supposed to be scary. At any rate, as I was searching for the look-alikes photo, and I found 1,900,000 hits for Palin look-alikes, but none of them were what I was looking for. Apparently, though, according to the Daily News, the "Palin wig" was the best selling Halloween accessory this year; looks like I wasn't the only one caught in the season. (Seriously, though, it's a pretty solid carving, eh?)
So, it's a little creepy to be followed around by children who change their appearance to mirror yours. I should know. While my name might not turn up quite as many hits on a yahoo search (I don't search with google; I just can't dig it), and Mary Craighead wigs probably aren't flying off the shelves yet, I do actually have my own personal super fan. He can be seen here at the USGP Derby City Cup:
As my sister astutely pointed out today, this young man is not only wearing the same Uvex Boss Race helmet and Serfas Force 5+ glasses, but he is also making the exact same facial expression. Weird, right? In a nutshell, be on lookout for my face on a pumpkin this next October.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.